Green Committee
No longer visible on website as this committee was absorbed into the Livability & Sustainability Committee. Keeping this page only for the history of it and for reference.
Board member co-chair: Liz Staley
Stakeholder co-chair: Lisa Turallo
Board members: Jeremy Bowditch, Kirsten Judson
Stakeholder members: Eric Newton
Mission Statement
The EPNC Green Committee advocates for the environmental protection and enhancement of Echo Park. The Green Committee seeks to foster a more harmonious relationship with the natural flora and fauna of our beautiful neighborhood by education, spreading awareness, and organizing community improvement projects, plantings, and cleanups.
Meeting Time
1st Monday of the month at 7:30pm.
Please check the calendar for meeting details.
Committee Objectives:
Display responsible stewardship of our native land
Create and maintain a clean, healthy neighborhood
Preserve and expand green spaces in our neighborhood
Advocate for composting, regenerative gardening, and native planting efforts
Shed light and take action on local environmental justice issues
Advocate for reduced usage of plastics and fossil fuels
Advocate for renewable energy use and production
Stairs of Echo Park (map)

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Agendas and Minutes